Hand gift selection helps the eight treasures blossom everywhere
author:Xiamen Evening News
<p>■ babaodan protects the liver and is widely welcomed by the public.</p><p>As an active participant in all previous hand ceremony selection activities, Dinglu babaodan "turned gorgeous" in 2014, and successfully changed from "athlete" to the title co organizer of "2014 most Fujian and Taiwan hand ceremony". "Participate in and name the most Fujian Taiwan hand ceremony, so that more citizens and tourists can better understand and understand babaodan, a miraculous medicine in Southern Fujian, and the sales channels are more extensive." The relevant person in charge of Xiamen traditional Chinese Medicine Factory Co., Ltd. said.</p><p>Reporter Wang Chencheng</p><p>From the participant to the naming party, babaodan is widely recognized</p><p>Wall Shifa, general manager of Xiamen traditional Chinese Medicine Factory Co., Ltd., said that changing from contestant to naming party is the most important hand ceremony for Fujian and Taiwan. The organizers affirm this 500 year old southern Fujian elixir and pay tribute to the traditional Chinese medicine culture of Fujian and Taiwan.</p><p>As an authentic representative of Fujian and Taiwan hand ceremony, Dinglu Babao pill has won awards in the previous selection of the most Fujian and Taiwan hand ceremony with its unique efficacy and excellent quality, which has been widely concerned and recognized. Continuous participation in the selection of the most Fujian and Taiwan hand gifts also makes babaodan influential among citizens and tourists, and the sales channels are more extensive.</p><p>It is reported that the sales of babaodan have increased by 100% since the selection of the most Fujian and Taiwan hand gift. Beijing Tongrentang Fujian Co., Ltd., Fuzhou kangbaijia pharmaceutical chain Co., Ltd., Fujian Guoda pharmacy, Jiuding pharmacy and other well-known pharmacies have expressed great confidence in the sales of babaodan. At present, in addition to the Fujian market, babaodan has also blossomed everywhere in Beijing, Shanghai, Jinan, Qingdao, Yantai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing and other places.</p><p>The imperial court has been tested for a long time. It is suitable for all ages</p><p>It is reported that the eight treasure pill originated from the imperial side of the court in the Ming Dynasty. It has been sold at home and abroad as early as the Republic of China. Now it is also a healthy gift for citizens and tourists to visit relatives and friends. Babaodan has unique efficacy. It is unique in protecting liver and reducing enzymes. It also has good efficacy in "relieving pain, preventing cancer, removing dampness and heat, relieving alcohol and reducing fire". Kang Liangshi, the late famous liver disease doctor with the reputation of "Nankang Beiguan" and Sheng Guorong, a famous doctor in Xiamen, have used babaodan to prevent and treat related diseases with remarkable results.</p><p>Babaodan, as a national confidential precious traditional Chinese medicine, is not only widely recognized for its efficacy, but also its medicinal ingredients are very valuable and safe. For example, the antelope horn used in babaodan is one of the only two national first-class wild protected medicinal materials in China (the other is plum deer antler); Another example is natural musk, which is specially provided by the state. Only seven key Chinese patent medicines in China are allowed to be used in limited quantities (other natural musk can be used include pianzi Huang, Angong Niuhuang Pill, Xihuang Pill, Liushen Pill, musk pearl Mingmu eye drops, etc.); For another example, natural bezoar and snake gall are also precious medicinal materials that are clearly protected by the state; Pearl, Tianqi and other rare medicinal materials have been widely used among the people since ancient times. In addition, the safety of babaodan has also undergone long-term clinical tests. It is suitable for almost all ages except pregnant women.</p><p>Experts and citizens who send medicine to the community praise it</p><p>Since January 2015, Xiamen traditional Chinese Medicine Factory Co., Ltd. has held two large-scale free clinic public welfare activities of "Ding Lu Qing · healthy road - famous doctors and famous drugs healthy community trip" every month. With the purpose of "facilitating people and medical treatment", the free clinic invited well-known experts from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University, Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University, Xiamen Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, Xiamen children's Hospital, Xiamen cardiovascular hospital and other large hospitals to go deep into Jinshang community, Huafu community, Lianyun community, Haihong community and other communities inside and outside the island to deliver medicine for residents.</p><p>The continuous free clinic activities make the unique efficacy, public welfare image and brand value of babaodan recognized not only by experts, but also by consumers.</p><p> Babaodan Old brands glow with new brilliance</p><p>When it comes to Xiamen traditional Chinese Medicine Factory Co., Ltd., old Xiamen people are no stranger. This "old brand" reformed from Xiamen traditional Chinese medicine factory, a state-owned enterprise with a history of decades, has accompanied the growth of several generations of Xiamen people.</p><p>In 1965, Xiamen traditional Chinese medicine factory was officially born, inheriting the traditional skills of time-honored pharmacies with a history of 400 years, such as Zhenghe, huaideju, Gaofeng pharmacy, shoushengtang, ganhuitang and Yitieling, and shouldering the historical mission and responsibility of inheriting traditional Chinese medicine culture. Following the "Dinglu" trademark with a history of nearly 100 years, the company has built a number of products such as babaodan, Xinhuang Tablets, Shenshu granules, Zhupo Jingfeng powder and Liuwei Dihuang pills into well-known brands.</p><p>The hundred year old prescription is the strong "family background" of Xiamen traditional Chinese Medicine Factory Co., Ltd., and the innovation and development has brought a strong afterforce, which makes many "old brands" of Xiamen traditional Chinese medicine factory glow with new vitality. They chose to carry out "secondary development" of drugs on the basis of continuing the old brand. Taking the core product babaodan as an example, since the early 1990s, babaodan has ushered in a new "spring" through pharmacology, research and various clinical application research. In 2004, the product was listed in the national medical insurance catalogue, so that the traditional famous and high-quality Chinese patent medicine can better serve the majority of patients. Since then, the sales of the product has increased steadily at a rate of no less than 20% per year. In addition, on the basis of inheriting the process of babaodan, the company has also developed another core product - Xinhuang tablet through the innovative way of Chinese and Western prescription, so as to make the precious traditional Chinese medicine closer to the medication needs of ordinary people.</p><p>Today, Xiamen traditional Chinese Medicine Factory Co., Ltd. has four national confidential varieties, four national protected varieties of traditional Chinese medicine, two national patent varieties, one Chinese well-known trademark and one Fujian time-honored brand. The "Dinglu" series of Chinese patent medicines are famous brand products in Fujian Province. They have been recognized as high-quality brands in Xiamen for many years. The "Dinglu" trademark was recognized as a famous trademark in Fujian Province for the fifth time in 2011, It was recognized as a well-known trademark in China in January 2014 and was rated as a time-honored brand in Fujian Province in the same year. After continuous market cultivation, the company's products are exported to all over the country, Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States.</p><p>After decades of painstaking operation, Xiamen traditional Chinese Medicine Factory Co., Ltd. has grown from a small workshop to a high-tech enterprise and independent innovation demonstration enterprise specializing in the field of anti-inflammatory and analgesic of Chinese patent medicine, and has ranked among the top 100 Chinese patent medicine industries in China. In recent years, the company has accelerated the market expansion of leading varieties and is committed to cultivating large varieties of traditional Chinese medicine. It has formed a variety group combination with Xinhuang tablet, babaodan (capsule) and Haizhu asthmatic tablets as leading products and Shenshu granule and Qigu capsule as potential products. It has established a win-win strategic alliance with more than 100 distributors, and has built a strategic alliance covering the whole country and Southeast Asia Marketing network in some European and American markets.</p><p><br/></p>
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